Our View

Which Country Has the World's Best Healthcare System

time:2020-11-02 source:CNBC 优酷

 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s book is now available for delivery. It has received a raving review from BillGates.

Key highlights include: 
  • In-depth analysis of the healthcare system in 11 countries (two in North America, three in Australasia and the remainder in Europe)
  • Ranking of each country in the following categories: insurance coverage, financing, payment, delivery and drug pricing.
  • Six lessons for fixing the US system, in areas including: simplification, universal coverage, emphasis on primary care, amongst others.
  • Impact of COVID19: Analysis includes how Taiwan was a true stand out with its impeccable bigdata capability.
A real pleasure for Enhance International LLC to co-author the chapters on Taiwan and China for this book.
Video Link:v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkzNzYwNTAxNg==.html


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